Sunday 1 January 2023


The University System of Georgia (USG) has announced the development of a new strategic plan for 2024. The plan, which is currently being developed through a collaborative process involving students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders, will outline the system's priorities and goals for the coming years.


  • One of the key goals of the USG strategic plan is to improve student success and increase the number of graduates from the system's colleges and universities. This includes initiatives to improve retention and graduation rates, as well as efforts to increase access to higher education for underrepresented and disadvantaged populations.
  • Another key focus of the plan is on enhancing the quality of the education and research being conducted within the USG. This includes efforts to attract and retain top faculty, invest in research infrastructure, and support the development of new programs and initiatives.
  • The USG strategic plan will also prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship, with a focus on reducing the system's environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices across all of its institutions.

Overall, the development of the USG strategic plan for 2024 is an exciting opportunity for the system to set clear goals and priorities for the coming years. By working together and collaborating with stakeholders, the USG can ensure that it is well-positioned to meet the needs of its students, faculty, and the communities it serves.

The University System of Georgia Strategic Plan 2024 was built on a foundation provided by the Board of Regents, the began this process in March 2019. terms of demographic shifts, evolving business and industry needs, and the imperative that we are good stewards with limited resources. These realities are why a cogent strategy, capitalizing on the strengths is critical.

  • Former Chancellor Dr. Stephen Portch led the board in discussions about the system's direction and how more nimbly and efficiently College the 2025 working group led by Georgia College and State University president Steve Dorman, also laid the groundwork for this plan by envisioning the delivery of public higher education in a nimbler and more efficient fashion.
  • The Vision Statement Strategic Plan 2024 was developed under the guidance of the following vision statement.
  • The University System of Georgia will excel in meeting the needs of their state and economy through universities and colleges that provide an affordable, accessible and high-quality education promote students' lifelong success, and create, disseminate and apply knowledge for the advancement of our state, nation, and world. the vision statement puts student success at the center of the plan and directs us to align our teaching, research, and service mission toward improving the state and its economy.
  • This is the lofty vision noted previously: facing challenges and opportunities.
UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA_(Strategic Plan 2024 Development)

Student Success

  • The University System of Georgia Strategic Plan 2024 Goals from Student Success will increase degree completion through high-quality and lifelong academic options focused on learning and elimination of barriers to access and success for all Georgians.
  • Metrics to Increase the number of degrees and certificates awarded from 67,854 in FY 2019 to 74,916 in FY 2024.
  • To Increase the number of adult-aged undergraduate students from 42,967 in Fall 2018 to 45,160 in Fall 2023.The Strategic Initiative to Momentum Approach and Strategic Initiative Expand Distance Education Opportunities.

Responsible Stewardship

  • The University System of Georgia Strategic Plan 2024 Goals from Responsible Stewardship will ensure affordability for students by containing costs and optimizing efficiency across the system.
  • the Metrics to Reduce average time to degree for bachelor’s degrees from 5.1 years in FY 2019 to 4.9 years in FY 2024, and average time to degree for associate degrees from 4.4 years in FY 2019 to 4.0 years in FY 2024 and Increase annual savings to students through free textbooks from 16 million in FY 2019 to at least 24 million by FY 2024.
  • To Decrease the percentage of students that maximize their total federal student loan borrowing from an average of 83 percent over the last three years to 75 percent by FY 2024. Strategic Initiative Know More Borrow Less and Strategic Initiative Affordable Learning Georgia.

Economic Competitiveness

  • The University System of Georgia Strategic Plan 2024 Goals from Economic Competitiveness The will advance Georgia through investing in world-class research and equipping students with marketable skills knowledge and experience.
  • Metrics By Fall 2023 all institutions will have created and implemented the process to measure student achievement of marketable skills in the new general education curriculum.
  • The Increase in research expenditures from 1.54 billion in FY 2019 to 1.87 billion in FY 2024 and USG will collaborate with institutions to create the metric on faculty scholarly productivity.
  • The Strategic Initiative Redesign General Education Curriculum Both USG’s College 2025 initiative and the Momentum Approach has demonstrated the need to update the structure and content of USG's general education curriculum to better prepare students with the skills.
  • The Strategic Initiative to Expand Nexus Degrees.

Community Impact

  • The University System of Georgia Strategic Plan 2024 Goals from Community Impact.
  • they will work with their communities to improve their quality of life.
  • The Metrics Increase the number of graduates in health professions from 7,388 in FY 2019 to 7,996 in FY 2024. Increase the number of student enrollments in experiential learning courses from 42,129 in FY 2019 to 150,000 in FY 2024.
  • The Strategic Initiative Increase the number of graduates in health professions and Strategic Initiative to Expand Experiential Learning Opportunities.


The USG is the sixth-largest university system in the United States by total student enrollment, with 333,507 students in 26 public institutions. USG institutions are divided into four categories: research universities, regional comprehensive universities, state universities, and state colleges.

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